Daniel Rowland (viool) & Borys Fedorov (piano)
V.Silvestrov, I.S.Bach, W.A.Mozart
za 14 oktober 2023 | 19:30 - 21:00
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Daniel Rowland photo @Marco Borggreve
“ Daniel Rowland toont zich met naakt, kwetsbaar en zeer virtuoos spel een ideaal solist” NRC Handelsblad. “Stellar playing … Daniel Rowland has a powerful, glamorous tone, gleaming at the top and throaty and rugged down at the bottom.. he plays with such fiery intensity that the music seems to shake” Gramophone
“Hypermuzikaal’,’ ‘zeer virtuoos’ en ‘een ideaal solist’, zijn een paar van de vele lovende woorden die zijn geschreven over violist Daniel Rowland.
Rowland heeft zich op de internationale concertpodia gevestigd als een zeer veelzijdige, charismatische en avontuurlijke musicus, met een breed repertoire van Biber tot Berio. Daniel wordt in 1972 geboren in Londen, en begint zijn vioollessen in Enschede nadat zijn ouders naar Twente zijn verhuisd. Hij studeert bij Jan Repko, Davina van Wely, Herman Krebbers, Viktor Liberman en Igor Oistrakh en later ook bij Ivry Gitlis, met wie hij de rest van zijn leven een warme band koestert. Rowland wint onder meer de Brahms-prijs in Baden-Baden en het Oskar Back-concours. Rowland ontwikkelt zich al snel als vooraanstaand solist. Zo soleerde hij afgelopen jaren in concerten van Beethoven en Brahms tot Elgar, Berg, Korngold, Weinberg, Prokoffief, Glass en van der Aa met dirigenten als Heinz Holliger, Jaap van Zweden, Francois Xavier Roth, Lawrence Foster en Andrey Boreiko Rowland speelde ook meerdere wereldpremières van hedendaagse componisten als Isidora Zebeljan, Roxana Panufnik, Peteris Vasks en Elena Firsova. Maar ook kamermuziek is een grote liefde van Rowland. Twaalf jaar lang was hij primarius van het Brodsky Quartet, met wie hij in 2017 schitterde op het Prinsengrachtconcert. Zij traden op over de hele wereld op en maakten vele opnames, waaronder de beroemde Sjostakovitsj cyclus. Daarnaast speelt Rowland in tangokwintet ChamberJam en vormt hij veelgeprezen duos met pianiste Natacha Kudritskaya en met zijn vrouw, celliste Maja Bogdanovic, met wie hij onlangs de duo-cd „Pas de deux” uitbracht. Daarnaast is Rowland verbonden als docent aan the Royal College of Music in Londen en heeft hij de bezielende leiding over zijn eigen festival in Twente, het Stift International Music Festival, waarin zijn internationale muzikale vrienden sinds de oprichting in 2005 in augustus en december samenkomen voor intieme en avontuurlijke kamermuziekconcerten.
Daniel’s viool in gemaakt door Lorenzo Storioni (Cremona 1796) en zijn strijkstok is een Maline, in bruikleen van het Muziekinstrumentenfonds.
“I do not write new music. My music is a response to and an echo of what already exists.”
“ Music is still song, even if one cannot literally sing it: it is not a philosophy, not a world-view. It is, above all, a chant, a song the world sings about itself, it is the musical testimony to life."
Valentyn Silvestrov
Pianist Borys Fedorov
Borys Fedorov is an accomplished concert pianist, composer, and pedagogue with a diverse range of talents and achievements. He has won multiple International Piano Competitions, including a special prize for contemporary music in Porto, Portugal (1993), the A. Roussel Prize in Senigallia, Italy (1994), and the Grand Prix at the Regina and Vladimir Horowitz In Memoriam Festival in Kyiv (1995).
In addition to his successful career as a pianist, Borys discovered a passion for composition in 2020 and has already gained recognition for his new works. His compositions have been featured on Dutch national radio, performed at the Stift International Music Festival, and included in the 30th anniversary concert of the Dutch record label, Channel Classics. These works have received enthusiastic responses from top musicians and fellow composers.
Borys has performed extensively as a soloist and with orchestras since 1994. He has appeared at the National Philharmonic of Ukraine and collaborated with orchestras such as the Porto Symphony Orchestra, the Symphony Orchestra of Samara conducted by Mikhail Shcherbakov, and the National Orchestra of Ukraine under the baton of V. Sirenko. He has also performed in a piano duo with his daughter, Anna Fedorova, at the Grote Zaal of the Amsterdam Concertgebouw. Borys has given solo recitals and masterclasses in Beijing and around the province of Hunan in China, and he continues to perform solo recitals across Ukraine and Russia. He has recorded numerous times with the National Television and Radio Company of Ukraine, featuring works by composers such as Scarlatti, Haydn, Debussy, Ravel, Albeniz, Rachmaninoff, Messiaen, as well as many Ukrainian composers.
As a highly successful pedagogue, Borys has mentored numerous students who have gone on to establish impressive careers in the music industry. Some notable former students include Vadim Kholodenko, Denis Zhdanov, Anna Fedorova, Sasha Grynyuk, and Margarita Golovko. His students have won over fifty prizes at international piano competitions, including the International Chopin Competition in Moscow, the Vladimir Horowitz piano competition in Kyiv, the E. Gilels Piano Competition in Ukraine, the Maria Callas Piano Competition in Greece, and the Smetana International Piano Competition in the Czech Republic, among others. They regularly perform in prestigious concert halls worldwide.
In addition to his performing and teaching endeavors, Borys Fedorov conducts masterclasses in various cities across Ukraine, the Netherlands, China, and Greece. He has served as the artistic director of the Music Festival Young Concert Pianists of Georgia and Ukraine, held at the big hall of the National Philharmonic. In recognition of his significant contributions to the cultural life of Ukraine, Borys received the title of Honorary Artist of Ukraine in 2020, awarded by the country's president.