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The Melodies of Love

Igor Ruhadze - violin, Maria Pedano (16 y.o) - hobo, voice,

Anushka Pedano (18 y.o.) - viola, Elizabeth Ruhadze (13 y.o.) - violin

Concert: 20:00 — 21:00

This concert is organised in collaboration with the Stichting Bevordering Jong Talent, a Dutch non-commercial charity organisation established with the purpose to guide and support children gifted in the sphere of music and arts by providing favourable conditions for their creative growth and organising their international activities. The Foundation maintains and develops cultural values and traditions, with the goal of bringing art as close as possible to the children, open their minds and interest to it. By means of organising concerts and exhibitions they want to focus their attention on ballet, opera, classical music and visual arts.

Stichting Bevordering Jong Talent works closely with the Vladimir Spivakov International Charity Foundation which organises the festival ‘Moscow Meets Friends’ each year. In 2020, both the Pedano sisters and Elizabeth Ruhadze were scheduled to go to Moscow to take part in the festival, but unfortunately the Corona-crisis made travelling impossible. Igor Ruhadze, who has been the Artistic advisor of the Foundation for over 2 years, and Vital Stahievich, who collaborates with the Foundation of various projects regularly, give the girls the opportunity to present the program prepared for Moscow here, at Nieuw Podium Kassiek Almere.

Eerdere gebeurtenis: 18 september
Latere gebeurtenis: 22 januari