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2021 - The Year of Three Composers

Igor Ruhadze (violin), Vital Stahievitch (piano)

Exhibition: 19:00 - 20:00

Concert: 20:00 — 21:00

The program is dedicated to three great composers who would celebrate their anniversaries in 2001. This year, the famous Russian Sergei Prokofiev would have turned 130 years old. The renowned French composer Camille Saint-Saëns died in 1921, and in the same year the imoirtant Armenian composer Arno Babajanian was born. Violinist Igor Ruhadze and pianist Vital Stahievitch have prepared an interesting program featuring the works of these three significant figures. During the concert we will also tell about their lives, works and aspirations.

The program is based on the special historical crossovers. What a coincidence that in 1921, when one of the most important composers of French Romanticism passed away, Arno Babajanian was born in the far away Yerevan, and the young Prokofiev completed his opera “The Love of the Three Oranges”. All three composers knew each other's works, although they belong to different eras and styles. Saint-Saëns, for example, strongly disapproved of Prokofiev's work. And Babajanian, on the contrary, got very well acquainted with him after Prokofiev's return to the Soviet Union, and some of his works were influenced by the music of Prokofiev.

Next to the concert, an exhibition will take place in the concert hall by the amateur artists of the Olga Meshkova Artlama Studio Almere. The students of the Art studio are asked to draw the melodies - the resulting exhibition is called “We draw music”. Before and after the concert, the paintings will be exhibited in the hall and the audience will get free catalogue leaflets.

Eerdere gebeurtenis: 25 juni
Dances of the World